
KERUI at 30th International Industrial METAL-EXPO 2024: Discover High-Temperature Solutions


Zhengzhou Kerui Group Refractory Co., Ltd. will be at METAL-EXPO 2024, we are excited to announce, to participation in the 30th International Industrial Exhibition in Moscow, taking place from November 12-15, 2024, in Russia. This major event is a top platform for professionals in the metal and industrial industries, connecting industry leaders, innovators, and experts from around the world.

At METAL-EXPO 2024, Kerui will be highlighting its latest refractory products and solutions, designed for industries that need to withstand extreme heat, such as steel, metallurgy, glass, and cement production. As a leading manufacturer of cutting-edge refractory materials, Kerui is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and efficiency in industrial processes that demand top-notch solutions.

Highlights of Kerui’s Participation

Kerui’s booth will feature a range of our high-performance refractory products, including materials designed to improve thermal efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and extend the lifespan of industrial equipment. Our experts will be available to discuss customized solutions that address clients’ specific needs in extreme-temperature environments.

Visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about our products and services, including our mainstay refractory products such as refractory bricks, castables, and insulation materials. Our experts will be on hand to discuss how our refractory materials can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your equipment.

Why Visit Kerui at METAL-EXPO 2024?

Expert Consultations: Our team of professionals will be on hand to provide tailored advice and solutions based on your industry’s specific requirements.
Innovative Products: Explore our latest refractory materials that offer enhanced durability, energy efficiency, and reliability for extreme industrial applications.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with other industry experts, decision-makers, and potential partners to foster collaboration and explore new business opportunities.


The International Industrial Exhibition METAL-EXPO is a major event for the global metals industry. It provides a platform for companies to exhibit their latest technologies, products, and services, while also allowing professionals to exchange ideas, discover new trends, and develop business relationships.

We invite you to visit Kerui at Booth NO.1, Hall 2, Booth G5-3, during the exhibition to explore how our refractory materials can help you, overcome high-temperature challenges and achieve optimal performance in your industrial operations.

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