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All Over the World!
Package of Magnesia Carbon Brick

Kerui Magnesia Carbon Brick is Ready for Shipment

A batch of magnesia carbon brick is ready for shipment. Kerui Refractory is excited to announce this good news. Compared to traditional Magnesia-Carbon bricks, Kerui’s Magnesia Carbon refractory brick offers significantly higher hot strength and thermal shock resistance. With its high carbon content, it provides … Read More

Refractory Brick Shipped to Russia in April 2024

A Batch of Refractory Brick Shipped to Russia in April 2024

Let us congratulate another batch of refractory bricks successfully sent to Russia! The successful delivery underscores Kerui dedication to customer satisfaction and responsiveness to project requirements. Russian customers request customized refractory brick sizes. Kerui experienced team finished the design, production and delivery professionally. Therefore, Russian … Read More

Construction Site of Refractory Bricks in Lime Kiln

Construction Site of Refractory Bricks in Lime Kiln

Refractory bricks play a vital role in the construction of lime kilns in China. These kilns are used for the production of lime, an essential material in various industries. The construction site of refractory bricks in a lime kiln involves careful planning, skilled labor and … Read More

Shipment of Kerui Precast Block

Kerui Refractory Precast Blocks Delivered to Russia

Kerui is pleased to share the latest delivery news about refractory precast to Russia. We maintain close cooperation with Russian customers and become a stable manufacturer for our customers with strict quality control and efficient production and delivery. Details about Kerui Refractory Precast Products Russian … Read More

Successful Delivery of Kerui Andalusite Bricks to Russia

Successful Delivery of Kerui Andalusite Bricks to Russia

At the beginning of 2024, Kerui is delighted to share the successful delivery of andalusite bricks to Russia. Russian customers use these high quality refractory bricks in coke calcining rotary kilns. This is a critical component in their production process. Russian customers keep a stable … Read More

High Quality Ceramic Fiber Blanket to Vietnam

Shipment of Ceramic Fiber Blanket to Vietnam in December 2023

Kerui is pleased to share the successful shipment of ceramic fiber blanket to Vietnam on December 25, 2023. It’s worth noting that the production cycle only costs 10 days! Vietnamese customers purchased ceramic fiber blankets from Kerui many times. Now let’s know more about this … Read More

Details of Kerui Magnesia Carbon Brick

Delivery of Kerui Magnesia Carbon Brick for Steel Furnace

Kerui is willing to share the fantastic news with you–the efficient delivery of a batch of magnesia carbon brick for steel furnace is finished. Now please allow me to highlight the advantages of Kerui delivery service and the benefits of using our magnesia carbon brick … Read More

Construction Site of Kerui Refractory Product in Mongolia

Construction Site of Kerui Refractory Product in Non-ferrous Furnace

Kerui is glad to share the successful construction of Kerui products in non-ferrous metal smelting furnace in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia China. Customers choose high quality refractory bricks and unshaped refractory products to keep the stable operation of silicon manganese furnace. Now keep reading to learn … Read More

Russian Customers Buy Kerui Ceramic Fiber Boards

Shipment of Kerui Ceramic Fiber Board to Russia

Kerui has shipped high-quality ceramic fiber board to Russia. Russian customers are satisfied with Kerui service as well as superior products. Here is more information about this case. Information About Kerui Ceramic Fiber Board to Russia Product name: ceramic fiber board; Feature: low content of … Read More

High Alumina Brick to Vietnam

Kerui Exports High Alumina Brick for Blast Furnace to Vietnam

Recently, Kerui exports a batch of high alumina bricks for blast furnace to Vietnam. Customers used this batch of high alumina bricks as emergency repair for their hot blast furnaces. Since the customer’s delivery time was tight, Kerui initiated a prompt response. Why Viuetnam Customers … Read More