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How Long Do Fire Bricks Last

Welcome to Kerui official website to discuss about how long do fire bricks last. This is a crucial question for customers to choose suitable kinds of fire bricks. Here we mainly explore fire bricks in large industrial kilns and furnaces.

Lifespan of Each Kind of Fire Bricks

Combining market feedback and laboratory test results, Kerui provides you with the lifespan of different kinds of fire bricks in specific working environment. Of course, this number will change depending on the specifics of your kiln. The following data is for your reference. Welcome to contact Kerui engineers to calculate the service life of the refractory bricks you need.

Alumina Brick: 2-5 years. (Take alumina bricks in blast furnace without erosion and wear as an example.)

Magnesia Brick: more than 2 months. (Take magnesia brick in steel converter as an example.)

Silica Brick: 10-25 years. (Take silica firebricks in coke oven as an example.)

Factors That Affects the Lifespan of Fire Bricks

Chemical Corrosion

Under high-temperature smelting conditions, the kiln lining made of refractory bricks will be corroded by chemical gases or high-temperature solutions. As the temperature increases, the chemical properties of the product change. It is worth noting that chemical attack on refractory bricks is irreversible. Therefore, you should consider how to avoid chemical corrosion properly.

Physical Damage

We all know that the construction of industrial equipment requires the stacking of a large number of refractory insulation bricks. This resulted in heavy pressure and damage from external forces. In addition, customers also need to consider the constant erosion and wear of high-temperature solutions inside the kiln. These are key factors that damage the service life of refractory bricks.

How to Choose Fire Brick to Improve the Last Time?

Quality of Fire Brick

Opt for high-quality fire bricks that are manufactured using pure and high-grade raw materials. The presence of impurities can negatively impact the performance and longevity of fire bricks. Look for bricks with high purity levels to ensure their resistance to fluxing effects at high temperatures. Impurities like acidic oxides in magnesia bricks or alkaline oxides in silica-alumina bricks can cause a drop in temperature and disrupt kiln operation.

Working Environment of Furnace

When choosing refractory bricks as kiln lining, customers first need to understand the characteristics of each refractory items. Different types of fire bricks are designed to perform optimally in specific conditions. For example, avoid using silicon carbide materials in oxidizing atmospheres, magnesia products in acidic conditions, and siliceous refractories in alkaline conditions. Select fire bricks that are compatible with the chemical composition and temperature range of the working environment.

Application and Inspection

Proper application and regular inspection are essential for maximizing the lifespan of fire bricks. During kiln operation, minimize frequent stops and starts to avoid thermal shock, which can damage the bricks. Aim for uniform temperature distribution within the kiln to minimize thermal stress on the bricks. Conduct regular inspections to identify any signs of wear, erosion, or damage to the bricks. Promptly address any issues to prevent further deterioration.

In Summary

With your understand of the lifespan of fire bricks and its factors, you can take them into consideration. Kerui Refractory company sincerely hope customers find suitable firebricks for their projects. Welcome to contact us if you have any problems.

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