
Kerui Refractory Solution of Fluidized Bed Furnace in Indonesia

Kerui Refractory is pleased to share the success of fluidized bed furnace solution in Indonesia. Indonesian customers buy more than 2200 tons of refractory products for their 2 fluidized bed furnaces. Now keep reading to know more details.

Main Refractory Products of Fluidized Bed Furnace in Indonesia

As a professional refractory product manufacturer in China, Kerui Refractory is able to provide all kinds of refractory products for Indonesian customers. Therefore, they were glad to cooperate with Kerui Refractory. After understanding the needs of Indonesian customers in detail, Kerui team worked together to provide a professional and effective solution for fluidized furnaces. Indonesian customers highly agree with Kerui’s responsible service.

Main refractory products that are used in fluidized bed furnaces in Indonesia include high alumina brick, fireclay brick, lightweight insulation brick, refractory castable, refractory mortar and so on.

High Alumina Brick
Fire Clay Brick
Insulation Brick
Refractory Castable
Refractory Mortar

Necessary of Choosing High Quality Refractory Products in Fluidized Bed Furnace

Generally speaking, the overall refractory design of fluidized furnace is a difficult problem. Because the two main chambers of this kiln have refractory linings and refractory materials need to be selected in combination with factors such as temperature, size, pressure and chemical interaction. If the quality of refractory brick or refractory castable for sale is average, the subsequent maintenance costs and safety hazards will be relatively large.

Kerui international business managers and engineers have rich experience in kiln operation. They select suitable and high-quality refractory materials for customers’ fluidized furnaces to ensure the safe operation of the furnace.

Fluidized Bed Furnace for Your Reference

Feedback from Indonesian Customers

“The technical guidance provided by Kerui engineers played a pivotal role in optimizing our operations and achieving cost savings. This partnership has not only elevated our operational efficiency but has also contributed to our commitment to environmentally-conscious practices.”


Kerui Refractory provides strong support to Indonesian customers and helps customers to succeed in their business. If you are also looking for a refractory product supplier that provides a complete solution, then Kerui is your best choice. Contact Kerui now and get a reliable solution.


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