
Kerui Refractory to Showcase at ANKIROS 2024

Kerui Refractory, a trailblazer in the refractory industry, is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming 16th International Iron-Steel, Casting, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Technologies Trade Fair—ANKIROS 2024. The event, a beacon for industry visionaries, will take place from September 19th to 21st in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey. It is a pivotal stage for showcasing cutting-edge advancements and fostering global collaboration.

Our commitment to innovation, quality, and client satisfaction is unwavering. By attending ANKIROS 2024, we aim to deepen connections with industry peers, share our knowledge, and explore avenues for mutual growth. We’re excited to engage with fellow professionals, exchange ideas, and discover new horizons together.

Experience Kerui Refractory at ANKIROS 2024

Step into our booth, where you’ll discover a world of comprehensive refractory solutions. We’re eager to present our advanced products designed to boost efficiency, performance, and sustainability across various sectors. Our seasoned team will delve into the intricacies of our offerings, spotlighting our newest breakthroughs in refractory materials for iron, steel, and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Spotlight on Kerui Refractory’s ANKIROS 2024 Presence

Innovative Products: Witness the unveiling of our latest refractory innovations. These high-performance materials, boasting enhanced durability and thermal resilience, are meticulously crafted to cater to the unique requirements of diverse industries.

Technical Mastery: Engage with our engineering and technical specialists who will elucidate the technical nuances of our products. They’re here to offer personalized guidance, ensuring you select the optimal solution for your operational needs.

Sustainability Commitment: At Kerui Refractory, we’re dedicated to environmental stewardship. We’ll illuminate our strides toward reducing ecological footprints through pioneering production methods and eco-friendly materials that champion energy conservation and waste reduction.

Connect with Us at ANKIROS 2024

We warmly invite all industry stakeholders, partners, and prospective clients to join us at our booth. It’s a prime opportunity to forge alliances and address our sector’s forthcoming challenges and possibilities.


To learn more about our engagement at ANKIROS 2024, reach out to us directly or explore Kerui Refractory for additional details. We look forward to your visit and to exploring collaborative opportunities that will shape the future of refractory technology.

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