Company News

Meet Kerui in METAL-EXPO’2023!

To improve the development of metallurgical and steel-making industry, Kerui will make a presentation at METAL-EXPO’2023. This is one of the largest events in this industry. Kerui feels appreciated at this expo. Welcome to meet Kerui at METAL-EXPO’2023 for more cooperation!

Basic Information about Kerui in METAL-EXPO’2023

  • Date: November 07-10, 2023;
  • Location: All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC Fairgrounds);
  • Booth Number: 81C40;

Find More Opportunities with Kerui

Kerui Refractory is one of the largest refractory product manufacturers in China. We attach great importance to customers in the metallurgical and steel-making industries. Customers in these industries may operate high-temperature kilns and furnaces, which are close to refractory materials. Kerui provides all kinds of refractory products with excellent quality. Besides, customers can get complete and professional solutions for their business.

Expectations of Kerui in METAL-EXPO

Establish Cooperation with Kerui

Kerui exports more than 150,000 tons of refractory products every year. Moreover, Kerui is looking for new opportunities positively. Come and eastablish more cooperations with Kerui, you’ll get excellent products as well as considerate service. Additionally, Kerui is on hand to answer all questions about refractory products for the metallurgical and steel industry.

Explore Superior Refractory Products

Main products of Kerui Refractory are all kinds of refractory materials, including refractory bricks, insulating firebricks, unshaped refractory materials, ceramic fiber insulation products, refractory raw materials and so on. Kerui ensures high-quality products with superior materials as well as advanced production technology. Welcome to explore superior refractory products in Kerui.

Find Complete Solution

For customers in metallurgical and steel-making industries, Kerui provides complete and professional solutions. There are more than 20 experienced engineers who are specialized in all kinds of furnaces and kilns. Kerui is looking forward to providing feasible solutions for your business. Therefore, welcome to meet Kerui in METAL-EXPO’2023.


As a top refractory product supplier in China, Kerui is honored to be here. Now contact Kerui for more details about this event. Kerui is confident to establish a win-win cooperation.

    Contact Us

    Please feel free to give your inquiry in the form below. We will reply you right now! Email:

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    * Message: Please leave the following information for quicker reply: product name, specifications, dimension/ drawing, quantity, usage, etc.


      Contact Us

      Please feel free to give your inquiry in the form below. We will reply you right now! Email:

      * Name:

      * Email:

      Phone/Whatsapp (including area code):

      * Message: Please leave the following information for quicker reply: product name, specifications, dimension/ drawing, quantity, usage, etc.