Industry News

Choose Insulation Layer for the 50°C Kiln Skin

When the kiln outer skin temperature is about 50°C, you can choose lightweight insulating castable or ceramic fiber board as the insulation layer. These two methods combine the thermal insulation performance and economic benefits of high-temperature kilns. In order to achieve the optimal insulation solution, Kerui engineers support customizing refractory and insulation material solutions based on drawings and on-site conditions. Today we mainly discuss the situation when the kiln outer skin temperature is 50°C.

Choose Ceramic Fiber Insulation Board

To be honest, 50°C is a relatively low temperature requirement, and if fiberboard is chosen, the minimum thickness is around 100mm. In addition, if the working temperature is higher due to natural factors, for example, if it is used in the perennially hot summer, then the kiln skin temperature will be higher. Combined with the sunshine and weather, we recommend our customers to choose ceramic fiber insulation board with a thickness of 150 mm. This is the most secure solution.

Choose Lightweight Insulation Castable

Another option is to use a lightweight castable to achieve a lower temperature insulation effect. This type of indefinite refractory will reduce the running costs. It is worth noting that generally the builder needs to build the insulating refractory castable to a thickness of 300 mm. If it is too thick, it will affect the diameter of the kiln. Lightweight castables can be used in a simple and cost-effective way to meet customer requirements.


In short, in the case of low external temperature requirements of the kiln skin, the use of ceramic fiber board (aluminum silicate fiber board) and lightweight castables are good choices. It is necessary to pay attention to the construction thickness: ceramic fiber board is more than 100mm, lightweight castables are more than 300mm. Kerui as a refractory material supplier, provide high quality products and professional service.

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