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Successful Visit of Italian Customers to Kerui Factory

Congratulations! Italian customer visited Kerui factory in February 2024. In order to get the refractory material that meets their expectations, the Italian customers decided to come to the Kerui factory to confirm the supplier’s strength and service quality. Happily, after this visit, the Italian customer was satisfied with Kerui’s production capacity and service quality. The following are the details of the business visit.

Italian Customers to Kerui Factory

Details about Italian Customers Visited Kerui Factory

Kerui values each and every customer visit. For this visit, Kerui arranges for a dedicated business manager, general engineer and a range of other technicians to be at the customer’s service. Here are more details about some details of this visit in refractory fire bricks factory.

Itlian Customers Visit Refractory Brick Factory
Italian Customers Visit Refractory Brick Kiln
Italian Customers Visit Kerui Lab

What Does Itlian Custopmers Concern?

The customer had questions about customized solutions, production and delivery deadlines. The total technical staff and the business manager answered the questions in a professional manner.

After the visit, the Italian customer and Kerui had a meeting to further discuss the details of the cooperation and other issues of mutual interest. The Italian customer said that the business visit was very impressive. Both Kerui’s control of product quality and its overall solutions are excellent beyond expectations. We believe this cooperation will be a very successful case.

Kerui Refractory and Itlian Customers in Factory
Negotiation of Kerui Refractory and Itlian Customers


Kerui Refractory feels very happy about the visit of the Italian customer to the Kerui factory. Because this means that we have a deeper understanding of the Italian market and has laid a stable foundation for future development. Every customer is welcome to visit the factory, we provide the fullest enthusiasm and the most professional service.

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