Acid Resistant Brick

Acid resistant brick is known for its high silica content. It stands out as a remarkable product designed to excel in high-temperature and acidic environments. This innovative corrosion-resistant solution can prevent the corrosion of acid and alkali substances.

  • 99.8%

    Acid Resistance (≥)

  • 2.31-2.40

    Bulk Density (g/cm³)

  • 58.8

    Bending Strength (MPa)

  • 120

    Compressive Strength (MPa)

Parameter of Acid Resistant Brick

Acid Resistance ≥/%99.8
Bulk Density/ (g/cm³)2.31-2.4
Water Absorption ≤/%2
Bonding Strength ≥/Mpa58.8
Compressive Strength/Mpa120
Thermal Shock Resistance ≥/Cycles (130℃-20℃)1

Features of Kerui Acid Resistant Brick

Strong Chemical Resistance

The exceptional acid resistance of Kerui acid resistant brick can be attributed to its primary component, silica dioxide. SiO2 exhibits strong corrosion resistance, coupled with the low water absorption of the brick, preventing the penetration of liquid. This quality enables silicon brick to resist corrosion from various concentrations of alkaline substances at room temperature.

Low Water Absorption

Kerui Acid Resistant Brick, crafted from materials such as quartz and clay, boasts a minimal water absorption capacity. Therefore, this makes it an ideal choice for waterproof material in construction. Its ability to repel water is crucial, especially in areas prone to moisture, offering effective protection. Besides, it’s helpful to prevent the penetration of corrosive substances into the brick.

High Wear Resistance

With a compressive strength exceeding 100MPa, Kerui acid proof bricks outperform regular ceramic tiles in terms of strength. Additionally, this property ensures resistance against strong chemical cprrosion and impacts and maintains its integrity over prolonged use. As a result, the high strength and wear resistance contribute to the longevity of the product, which avoids aesthetic issues.

Kerui Acid Proof Brick Price

As reliable acid proof bricks suppliers in China, Kerui offers competitive prices for acid resistant brick while ensuring high product quality. The acid proof bricks price may vary depending on factors such as quantity, customization and delivery requirements. It is advisable to contact Kerui for accurate acid resistant bricks price.

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Application of Kerui Acid Resistant Brick

Kerui high quality acid brick refractory product finds extensive application in various industries such as coal chemical, petrochemical and more. It also plays a crucial role in corrosion prevention. Usuarrly, acid proof bricks manufacturers will offer a complete solution for your project. Some common applications of acid resistant brick include:

  • Petroleum and chemical industries
  • Metallurgical industry;
  • Power plants;
  • Textile industry;
  • Paper industry;
  • Pharmaceutical industry;
  • Fertilizer industry;
  • Food industry;
  • Plating rooms;
  • Tanks and containers for corrosive substances;
  • Corrosion-resistant projects in underground sewage systems and open-air surfaces;

Leading Acid Resistant Brick Manufacturer in China – Kerui Refractory

Fast Delivery

If you choose to order our standard products, we ensure immediate dispatch. Even for customized acid-resistant bricks tailored to your specifications, our efficient production process allows us to complete manufacturing within 15 days. Thereforte, this commitment to swift delivery sets Kerui Refractory apart. Besides, the fast delivery period ensures that your project timelines are met with precision. Kerui cooperates with world famous logistsic company to realize the safe and efficient delivery of acid proof brick. Moreover, the business manager will keep close communication with you.

International Certificates

Quality is paramount at Kerui Refractory and our commitment to excellence is substantiated by international certifications. Our acid-resistant bricks come with ISO, CE, and SGS certifications, ensuring that our products meet the highest industry standards. We prioritize transparency and assurance, providing Technical Data Sheets (TDS) that offer detailed insights into the specifications and performance of our acid-resistant bricks. With Kerui Refractory Group, you can trust in the quality and reliability of our products, supported by internationally recognized certifications.

Rich Export Experience

With a proud history of exporting to over 50 countries and regions, Kerui Refractory brings unparalleled expertise to the global market. Our rich export experience demonstrates our capability to meet diverse project requirements and adhere to international standards. Whether you are located in Asia, Europe, the Americas, or elsewhere, you can trust Kerui Refractory as your reliable partner for high-quality acid-resistant solutions backed by a proven track record in international exports.

Construction Guidance

Our professional technical team and experienced engineers are at your service, which offers tailored construction guidance for seamless integration of acid-resistant bricks. Beyond that, we extend our support by providing complementary refractory materials, including chemical resistant brick, acid resistant castable and so on. This comprehensive approach ensures that our clients benefit from a well-rounded and professional construction guidance program.


Kerui acid resistance brick is a reliable solution for corrosion-resistant applications. With competitive pricing and a commitment to quality, Kerui Refractory stands out as a leading manufacturer in China, providing effective solutions for diverse industrial needs. If you’re interested in more details, please follow Kerui Youtube channel.

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