Zirconium Corundum Refractory Brick

Zirconium Corundum Refractory Brick

Want to buy zirconium corundum refractory brick? Kerui reference price is about $1,650 per ton. (The specific price will be determined based on the model you purchase and other factors).

  • 16-32%

    ZrO2O (≥)

  • 1580-1630℃


  • 2.70-3.95g/cm³

    Bulk Density

  • 29.4MPa

    Cold Crushing Strength

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2 Types of Zirconium Corundum Brick for Sale

Sintered Zirconium Corundum Brick

Low Porosity
Goog Thermal Shock Resistance
Good Chemical Resistance
High Strength

Sintered zirconium corundum bricks refer to refractory bricks made from raw materials under a high-temperature sintering process. This product is also called ceramic bonded aluminum silicon zirconium brick. Sintered corundum zirconia bricks have high strength and strong resistance to molten glass erosion. In addition, excellent ZrO2 composition will bring smaller porosity. As a result, this product has excellent thermal shock resistance when used in kilns.

Chemical Compositionsω (ZrO2)/%≥ 16≥ 20≥ 32
ω (Fe2O3)/%≤ 0.5≤ 0.5≤ 0.5
Physical PropertiesBulk Density (g/cm³)≥ 2.70≥ 2.80≥ 3.20
Apparent Porosity/%≤ 20≤ 18≤ 18
Cold Crushing Strength/MPa≥ 70≥ 80≥ 80
Refractoriness Underload T0.6/℃≥ 1580≥ 1620≥ 1630

Fused Cast Zirconium Corundum Brick

Good Wear Resistance
Excellent Erosion and Corrosion Resistance
High Working Temperature
Good Thermal Shock Resistance

The main materials of fused zirconium corundum bricks will be melted in an electric arc furnace. Then we need to pour it into the molds and wait to cool and solidify. This product is what we usually call AZS bricks. When choosing high quality fused cast AZS brick for sale, we should pay more attention to the shrinkage cavity during manufacturing process. The following are several different casting methods for fused zirconium corundum bricks:

SiO2, %121315
Al2O3, %The RemainderThe RemainderThe Remainder
ZrO2, %4136.533.5
Bulk Density, g/cm34.053.93.8
Apparent Porosity, %
Initial Precipitation Temperature of Vitreous Phase, ℃140014001400
Vitreous Phase Exudation, %
Anti-molten Glass Erosion Speed Under Static Condition, mm/24h
(1500℃*36h, ordinary soda lime glass)
Bubble Release Rate, %
(1300℃*10h, ordinary soda lime glass)

Tips: meanings of different casting methods of fused cast zirconia corundum brick:

Ordinary Casting (PT)

In the usual pouring method, the shrinkage cavity of the product is located at the lower part of the casting opening, which is mostly used in the upper structure of the melting pool. Wait for parts where erosion is not serious.

Tilt Casting (QX)

Using the inclined casting method, the shrinkage holes of the product are offset at the lower end and are mainly used as pool wall tiles.

Shrinkage-free casting (WS)

Shrinkage-free products with the shrinkage cavity part of cast acid resistant bricks removed are mainly used in severely corroded parts such as liquid caves, kiln sills, pool wall corners and pavements.

Quasi-shrinkage-free Casting (ZWS)

Similar to non-shrinkage cavity casting, the shrinkage cavity part of the cast bricks is basically removed and is mainly used as pool wall bricks.

Zirconium Corundum Refractory Brick Price

Kerui offers competitive zirconium corundum brick bulk price stars from about $1650 per ton or $9.54 per piece. (This price is for your reference. Please clarify your specific needs to get a detailed quote). In addition, the final fire brick cost will be influenced by the type you choose, purchase quantity, delivery terms and so on. There is one thing you can ensure that Kerui provides the most cost-effective solution.

In terms of the performance of zirconium corundum bricks, this product is completely cost-effective. Because this product helps improve the performance of your kiln. And it has a long service life. Overall, purchasing Kerui zirconium corundum bricks is a wise choice.

Applications of Zirconium Corundum Bricks

Mainly Used in Glass Kiln

Due to the excellent composition, Kerui zirconium corundum brick is crucial in glass melting furnace. Especially with the development of the glass industry, customers have higher requirements for zirconium corundum bricks and high-end zirconium corundum bricks. In glass furnaces, customers often use zirconium corundum bricks in areas that are in direct contact with molten glass, such as working tank, fore-hearth, upper structure and crown, melting tank wall, clarification tank, throat, kiln weir, charging hole corner brick, bubble bricks, electrode bricks and so on.

Also Used in Other High Temperature Kilns

The performance of fused zirconium corundum bricks is excellent. This product has high strength and density. Therefore, it can ensure the compactness of the masonry structure. In addition to glass kilns, Kerui fused zirconium corundum bricks are important in key parts of other high-temperature kilns. Common applications include ladle linings, rolling steel heating furnace slides, tops, burners, thermocouples, peepholes and melter bottoms and backings, glass melting furnaces, fiberglass furnaces, metallurgical furnaces, chemical furnaces, etc. You can also see more details on Kerui Facebook.

Advantages of Buying Zirconium Corundum Brick from Kerui Refractory

International Certificate

Kerui Refractory holds ISO, CE and SGS certificates, as well as industry certificates issued by local governments. These certifications guarantee that the Zirconium Corundum Bricks meet international standards and comply with industry regulations. It assures customers of the product’s quality and reliability.

Advanced Production

The factory employs advanced production techniques, including a fully automated batching system and recently introduced fully automated brick manufacturing systems. These technologies ensure consistent quality, precision and efficiency in production, which results in zirconium corundum bricks that meet high standards.

Rich Export Experience

With a track record of exporting products to over 30 countries across five continents, Kerui Refractory China has extensive experience in international trade. This experience allows Kerui to provide customers with the most cost-effective solutions and customized recommendations for their specific needs. The positive feedback from customers reflects the satisfaction and success of our products.

Professional Technical Service

There is a team of engineers with specialized industry knowledge and extensive project experience. The professional engineers are ready to provide professional technical guidance and support throughout the entire process, from product selection to maintenance. The expertise ensures that customers receive the best advice and solutions for your requirements on different refractory needs.

QMS Certificate
OHSM Certificate
EMS Certificate
CE Certificate


Kerui zirconium corundum refractory brick is an ideal solution for many high temperature industries. It’s a wise choice to use this product in you kiln. Because you can realize good operation effect as well as long service life. For more details, please contact Kerui Refractory.

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