Alumina Fire Brick

Kerui alumina fire brick is the most commonly used refractory bricks in high-temperature kilns. As a well-known refractory brick supplier, Kerui offers competitive refractory brick prices that starts from US$50 per ton (reference price).

  • 25-99%

    Al2O3 (≥)

  • 2.10-3.20g/cm³

    Bulk Density

  • 1250-1790℃

    Refractoriness Under Load

  • 15-100MPa

    Cold Crushing Strength

Which Kind of Alumina Brick Do You Need?

Different Chemical Compositions

Kerui Refractory, as a well-known refractory brick manufacturer in China, provides a variety of refractory bricks with different chemical compositions and additive ratios. In order to achieve more ideal results, Kerui may add other chemical components during the manufacturing process of aluminum bricks, such as Cr2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, etc. According to customer feedback, these bricks have extensive and excellent performance in the construction process of industrial kilns.

When selecting refractory bricks, in addition to considering the alumina bricks composition and addition ratio, the size, density, compressive strength and other factors of the refractory bricks are of great importance. You can determine these factors on the basis of your specific application environment and needs. If you have any questions about choosing the right refractory bricks or require further consultation, please contact Kerui Refractory sales team today. They will provide professional advice and solutions based on your needs, ensuring that you choose the refractory brick product that best suits your needs.

Different Sizes and Shapes of KERUI Alumina Fire Bricks

  • Standard aluminum brick size: 230×114×65mm;
  • Common shapes: wedge brick, half piece brick, checker brick, or other customized aluminum bricks.

There are several benefits to purchasing standard refractory bricks. First, alumina bricks manufacturer like Kerui likely has enough standard-sized aluminum bricks in stock, which also means its delivery lead time is shorter. In addition, standard refractory bricks have a wider range of applications. The standard size makes it suitable for the lining part of a variety of kilns (the part with the largest masonry area). Customers can improve work efficiency by choosing this refractory brick.

In addition to the lining of the kiln, it may also involve the furnace door, furnace cover, furnace seams and other parts with special shapes. Based on market experience, Kerui is also good at manufacturing special-shaped refractory bricks. For example, wedge bricks are built on the tap hole, anchor bricks are built on the sides of the kiln, etc.

Other Customized Aspects of Alumina Fire Brick

Except of chemical composition, size and shape, customers can customize other aspects of refractory bricks to meet specific needs. Some of these customization options include: Customers can choose to print your logo or other information on the surface of the refractory bricks. This can add brand recognition or associate a product with a specific project. In addition, Kerui refractory bricks can be packaged according to customer requirements. This can include specific packaging materials, labels or pallets to ensure product safety during shipping and storage. Besides, customers can discuss the delivery time with the business manager of Kerui Refractory. Based on the customer’s urgency and project schedule, Kerui will try our best to meet the customer’s requirements and provide the best delivery time. If you’re interested in more details, welcome to subscribe Kerui Instagram account.

Competitive Alumina Bricks Price

The starting alumina bricks price is US$0.18 per piece or US$50 per ton. However, the actual price of refractory bricks depends on multiple factors, such as the specific type of kiln used, the required quantity and physical and chemical indicators. To obtain an accurate quote, you can provide more detailed project information to Kerui business managers and the engineering team. They will work out the best solution for your project based on your specific needs and provide a corresponding quote.

In addition to alumina lining bricks, Kerui also provides other high-quality refractory brick products, such as magnesia bricks, silica bricks, etc., as well as insulation bricks, unshaped refractories, insulation materials and so on. The one-on-one business manager will contact you to provide personalized services and solutions. If you have any questions about refractory brick prices or anything else, please feel free to contact Kerui. We will wholeheartedly provide you with professional advice and solutions to ensure you choose the most suitable refractory brick product for your project, thereby achieving a successful industrial kiln construction.

Properties of KERUI Alumina Fire Brick

High Refractoriness

The alumina firebricks have a high refractoriness, which means they can withstand extremely high temperatures without undergoing significant structural changes. This property is crucial for applications where the bricks are exposed to intense heat, such as in kilns, furnaces, and other high-temperature environments.

Good Chemical Resistance

These fire bricks exhibit excellent resistance to chemical corrosion. They can withstand the corrosive effects of various chemicals, acids, alkalis, and other corrosive substances commonly encountered in industrial processes. This property ensures the longevity and durability of the bricks in harsh chemical environments.

Good Wear Resistance

These products are highly wear-resistant and suitable for applications where they are exposed to abrasive materials or mechanical stress. The high alumina bricks properties can maintain the structural integrity and withstand the erosive effects of particles or mechanical forces.

Good Thermal Stability

Kerui fire brick alumina demonstrates excellent thermal shock stability. They can withstand rapid changes in temperature without cracking or spalling. This property is crucial in applications where the bricks are subjected to frequent temperature fluctuations, such as in kilns or furnaces that undergo heating and cooling cycles.

Advantages of KERUI Alumina Fire Brick

ISO Certification

KERUI alumina fire bricks are manufactured under strict quality control measures and have obtained ISO certification. This certification ensures that the bricks meet international standards of quality, performance, and consistency. It signifies KERUI commitment to delivering high-quality products to its customers.

High Purity Raw Materials

The raw materials for the alumina silica refractory brick have the advantage of high purity. Moreover, Al2O3 in alumina bricks manufacturing process has a high degree of purity, which ensures the bricks’ superior thermal and mechanical properties. The high purity of alumina in brick contributes to the overall quality and performance of the bricks.

Advanced Manufacturing Process

There are advanced manufacturing processes to produce alumina fire bricks. These processes, combined with the expertise and experience, result in bricks with precise dimensions, excellent uniformity, and consistent quality. The advanced manufacturing process ensures that the bricks meet the required standards and perform optimally in demanding industrial environments.

Strict Quality Inspection System

KERUI has implemented a stringent quality inspection system at every stage of the production process. From raw material selection to the final product, each brick undergoes thorough quality checks to ensure that it meets the specified requirements. This strict quality inspection system guarantees that only bricks of the highest quality are delivered to customers.

Good Service of Alumina Fire Brick Supplier – Kerui Refractory

Customization Services

There are different industries and applications have unique requirements. Besides, Kerui is a famous alumina bricks supplier that offers customization services to meet specific customer needs. Whether custom shapes, sizes or compositions, Kerui can tailor the alumina fire bricks for any application.

Fast Delivery

As the delivery period is of the essence in industrial operations, Kerui prioritizes fast and efficient delivery. Therefore, it minimizes downtime for the customers. With world-famous logistics and shipping processes, Kerui Refractory ensures to promptly process and deliver the alumina fire brick to meet your expectations.

Technical Support

KERUI Refractory has a dedicated team of technical experts who provide comprehensive technical support to the customers. They offer guidance and assistance in selecting the most suitable aluminum oxide bricks for specific applications. Customers can rely on the expertise to address any technical queries, provide recommendations and offer solutions to ensure optimal performance.

Customer Feedback Tracking

Kerui Refractory values customer feedback and actively tracks it to continuously improve the products and services. Kerui Refractory is glad to gather customer feedback, which ensures that any concerns or suggestions promptly. By actively listening to our customers, Kerui Refractory maintains a strong focus on customer satisfaction and continuously enhances the products.

In Summary

As we all know, the alumina fire brick is an ideal choice for the marsony of high temperature kilns and furnaces. Besides, Kerui service not only meets customer needs but also fosters strong and long-lasting relationships. Welcome to contact Kerui Refractory as a trusted partner in the industry.

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