Dense Castable Refractory

For high temperature refractory lining, dense castable refractory is crucial. Moreover, one of the most important factors to judge its quality is bulk density. Kerui Refractory offers excellent dense castable refractory for sale.

  • 0.8-3.2

    Bulk Density (g/cm³)

  • 1300-1790

    Service Temperature (℃)

  • 6-100

    Compressive Strength (MPa)

  • 4-95

    Cold Crushing Strength (MPa)

Why Kerui Offers Excellent Dense Castable Refractory?

Low Thermal Conductivity
High Mechanical Strength
High Working Temperature
Good Wear Resistance
Strong Chemical Resistance

High Purity of Raw Materials

Kerui utilizes high-purity materials such as Al2O3, SiO2, and MgO, which ensures the quality and performance of all kinds of refractory materials. The use of such pure raw materials contributes to the excellent properties and durability of their products. Furthermore, Kerui benefits from its strategic factory location, which is surrounded by abundant mineral resources specifically used in refractory production. This proximity to essential raw materials allows Kerui to maintain a continuous and reliable supply of high-quality inputs. By having easy access to these resources, Kerui can ensure the consistency and reliability of their dense castable refractory.

Precise Proportions

Moreover, Kerui precise formulation process also contributes to the excellence of their dense castable refractory. They employ a fully automated batching system and a PLC control system, ensuring accurate and consistent proportions of the different raw materials. This meticulous approach to formulation guarantees the desired properties and performance of their castable refractory products. By maintaining strict quality control throughout the manufacturing process, Kerui can deliver refractory products that meet the highest industry standards.

Types of Dense Castables for your Reference

On the basis of high density, Kerui supports customized castable composition and other properties. Here are several types of castables for your reference. It is worth noting that the division here is mainly based on raw materials. Of course, you can also contact Kerui for custom production of dense castables.

Instructions for use: Mix with a small amount of water, pour into the mold and press slowly to ensure there are no air pockets. Wait to cure and dry. Heating should be gradual before reaching operating temperature. It’s worth noting that drying too quickly can cause cracks, shortening its service life.

Bulk Density of Refractory Castable

Bulk density is an important parameter to consider when it comes to refractory castables. It refers to the ratio of the dry mass of the castable to its total volume. The density of the castable has a significant impact on its overall performance and other properties such as porosity, load softening temperature, and thermal shock resistance.

In general, higher bulk density in refractory castables is associated with increased strength, corrosion resistance and load softening temperature. This means that castables with higher bulk density are more capable of withstanding high temperatures and harsh environments. Refractory castables 1700c with high bulk density are often used in environments that are subjected to high temperatures and molten slag. The increased density helps to enhance the castable’s strength and resistance to corrosion, which makes it suitable for such conditions.

The choice of dense castable refractory and its bulk density depends on the specific application and operating conditions. It is important for customers to determine the appropriate refractory castable type based on their specific requirements and environment. If you are unsure about which type of refractory castable is most suitable for your product, feel free to contact us at Kerui.

Package and Delivery of Dense Refractory Castable

Package of Dense Refractory Castable

  • Package: 25 kg per bag; 1 ton per bag;
  • Feature: The 25kg bag is suitable for small-scale use or batch use, while the 1-ton package is suitable for large-scale construction or long-term storage needs. Kerui will update the delivery news on Facebook. Welcome to follow us.

Delivery of Dense Refractory Castable

  • Delivery: immediate delivery for standard type in stock; at least 25 working days for customized type;
  • Feature: standard type is very convenient and fast for customers with urgent needs. If you require customized castables, it need sto be produced and processed according to the customer’s specific requirements and therefore require a certain amount of time to complete.

Reliable Dense Refractory Castable Manufacturer – Kerui Refractory

Newly Upgraded Production Line

Kerui has introduced a new and upgraded castable production line. This production line adopts a fully automatic production process. In addition, the Kerui factory is located in Xinmi City, Henan Province, the core refractory industry zone. Therefore, we have advanced production technology.

International Certificate

In order for customers to buy with confidence, Kerui guarantees that our dense castables pass international quality standards. Kerui dense castable refractory has passed ISO, CE, SGS certificates. Besides, we’ve got many hornors from this industry as well as local government. For customers, they can worry less about product quality.

Fast Delivery

Once Kerui receives the order, we’ll begin the production immediately. Moreover, we can realize bulk production at one time. By optimizing our production process, we can minimize the time required During the production process, Kerui business managers will maintain close communication with customers.

Professional Technical Services

Kerui provides professional technical services. We have an experienced technical team that can provide professional guidance and support during the after-sales stage. This is very important for customers as they can get professional help and advice to ensure they are using and maintaining their refractory castables correctly.

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